Auto DM
Direct messages are an important part of the Instagram system for marketing, engagement, and interactive purposes.
However, messaging other accounts is not always easy nor manageable but it can help you gain visibility. This is where our Instagram Auto DM function comes in and revives your engagement.
Once you successfully added your Instagram account to the system, here is how to use our Auto DM function:
You will now see the main options. To start with, choose the Hashtags, Places, or People you’d like to auto DM.
This is an easy feature to use. In case you want to send a message to photography-related accounts, for instance, you can type “Canon” or “Nikon” in People.
Or, for more general queries, you can search specific places such as “Tower of London” and, lastly, hashtags like #travelphotography. This will ensure that you target the right accounts.
3. You now need to select the speed at which you will DM the different accounts. From the Speed option, select “Very Slow”, “Slow”, “Medium”, “Fast”, or “Very Fast” speeds.
4. Continue to the “Advanced Options” to have all the Auto DM features. This is where you need to go to enjoy the functionality to its best.
Here are all the Auto DM’s advanced options:
Follow + DM: Add the feature to follow accounts before messaging them.
Like + DM: Add the feature to like posts in addition to messaging accounts.
Like Count: Define the number of likes to add to each account before messaging them.
Randomize Like Count: Randomize the number of likes to add to each account - From 1 to 3.
No Private Profiles: Determine whether you will auto DM private profiles - “Deactive” to DM private profiles and “Active” not to DM them.
Business Accounts: Define the types of accounts to auto DM. Choose between “Business”, “Personal”, or “Both”
Media Min Amount: Choose here the minimum number of posts that each account must have before messaging them. Leave empty if you have no preference.
Followers Min Amount: Choose here the minimum number of followers that each account must have before messaging them. Leave empty if you have no preference.
Followers Max Amount: Choose here the maximum number of followers that each account must have before messaging them. Leave empty if you have no preference.
Min Delay Feedback DM: Define the minimum pause when feedback is required- The system’s default is 3600.
Max Delay Feedback DM: Define the maximum pause when feedback is required- The system’s default is 7200.
5. When all the optional Advanced Options are filled in, you can select the specific times to pause the Auto DM function. Since your Instagram account can only be used on one device at a time, we recommend you run the Auto DM while you don’t use the app. For instance, from 11.00 AM to 05.00 PM.
6. The last step is to select the “Active’’ before clicking on Save. If you leave the status as “Deactive”, the Auto Like function will not run on Instagram.
On the top screen of the dashboard, you will find the option to write the message to send to accounts. Write your message using these optional variables:
{{firstname}} - Account owner's first name
{{username}} - Account owner's username
{{fullname}} - Account owner's full name
Once you finish typing the template, click on “Add Message”. You will then see your message underneath the box. Once your message is added, click on “Save”.
Most importantly, we recommend writing 3 different messages. In fact, when using the same template continuously, your account may be flagged by Instagram for spam.
Activity Log
Now that you filled in all the options and typed your message, head over to the Activity Log, at the top of the screen. Here, you will see all the accounts that you sent a message to.
Last updated